When our minds can only think about surviving perceived threats, we are easily controlled and manipulated through blind spots, created from our own fears. This defines the state of mental bondage and suffering. Through perpetual states of feeling fear and anxiety, our Critical ThinkingExecutive Function and Emotional Self-Regulation skills, which help us to resolve problems in our life are essentially eliminated. We are unable to face challenges and solve problems effectively when fear lives in our mind. Overcoming Fear is the main lesson, we have to regain control over our mind and be able to accurately assess ourselves in our surroundings. Overcoming Fear also contains vital keys in becoming the director of our own lives, as well as leading us to achieve mental, emotional and spiritual freedom, or a life without suffering.

Assessing Personal Safety

We must make an effort to identify what choices we do have and make changes in our environment that can increase our sense of safety and comfort, while in our physical space. Assess the physical and emotional safety of your environment, and realize it may be necessary to remove people or situations from your life who are entrenched in destructive and harmful behaviors, in order to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle. When we are more competent in Emotional Self-Regulation, our inner safety is enhanced so that trust can be formed, and we discover that we really do have the resources inside of us for feeling comforted and safe.

Overcoming our deep fears can be a hurdle as they tend to gain power when they are hidden inside our mind. We are not used to going deeper and having a conversation around them or addressing them, saying them out loud, writing them down and meditating upon them. When we can identify fear based thoughts, triggers and beliefs in our mind and put them on paper, then we have taken the first step in demystifying them, distancing from them and diminishing the emotional charge they have upon our body. Remember that darkness and fear hide in the shadows of our mind in order to stay in control. When we bring these fears into the light of day, much of the weight and burden they carry behind the scenes dissolves. There can be a miraculous alchemy that occurs when we shift perceptions of fear into the compassionate witness of unconditional love.

Observing the mental idea of the fear as attached to a dark intelligent energy, and realizing that shadow fragment needs to be exposed to unconditional love and light. Don’t be afraid to face the dark spirit that resides inside the fear. As the moment you see what really created the fear, is the moment you realize what was really hiding behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz. All of these fears were running the grand illusion.

Write down the list of fears, how they manipulate and limit you, and intend to shift them into the love vibration in order to create safety for yourself.

Now you may want to allow some space for Meditation, to go deeper and ask where these fears have come from, where they have originated. Pay attention to what you may notice coming up that is not true. Many times our fears are based in deceptions, from misinterpretations, and what others have told us that is actually not true. When you sense other times you felt afraid and they are connected to the basis of current fears, send love to yourself in that timeline where you were feeling scared. Spend some time meditating on what lessons you can learn from that fear, and how you can transform this experience into light and wisdom, something positive for all involved.

Acknowledge that everyone has fear and fear has purpose in our spiritual journey. It holds the most important Spiritual Lessons for our ultimate growth and liberation, if we are willing to look at it and let it go. Appreciate all that you have undergone in your life to get this far and acknowledge the unique parts that have made you the person that you are today, because you had the courage to face your fears.

The story of facing our fears and overcoming them is deeply inspirational and supportive for everyone. Many enjoy and gain the benefits from the storyline, or learning what others have done to gain the courage to overcome great challenges and fears in their life. Maybe you are one of those people who will share your inspiring story on how you faced darkness with courage, and were able to overcome fears while on the ascending path!