This series of information has been compiled with the purpose of bringing a variety of tools to achieve increased self-awareness, and to improve inner energetic balance through multidimensional body integration. The emphasis with all of these workshops, tools, and exercises is to learn how to increase personal self-awareness through the multidimensional body system model. There is a tremendous amount of information below with core support practices to build integration within your basic FOUR BODY layered system. Integration and negative ego awareness comes from being in balance with oneself and establishing the right relationship to self. Therefore establishing the right relationship to God Source. The more balanced and integrated we are, the better we are able to connect and embody our spiritual bodies.

Induction techniques and template encoding (genetic updates through schematics and technique) are about 20% of the process of establishing light body integration and the inner energetic balance required to achieve Higher Self Alignment. The other 80% is putting what you know into practice and living from right alignment and in harmony with your inner source light. Remember that God Consciousness is 100% of EVERYTHING, it transcends linear technique and thought. When one sets intention with a daily spiritual practice and the discipline to be aligned with the inner core self, when one asks God/Krystal consciousness for intervention, one will receive the information one needs to know in the priority one needs to know it. The ES Core Triad is the suggested daily spiritual practice. Alignment to God/Krystal consciousness is about the re-harmonization of the self. When we are in harmony with ourselves we are in harmony with the environment. When this inner balance occurs in the spiritually embodied individual, that person is then able to gain access to the higher intelligence fields. When we choose to live outside of 3D ego programs and allow our inner spirit to be the authority which governs our actions and behaviors, we cease to be mind controlled at the level the general masses are operating. When we free our mind and heal our emotional wounds, it is the roadmap to sovereignty, freedom and inner peace.

Remember that Energetic Balance Accesses Spiritual Genius!

Achieving energetic balance is the goal at every level of one’s inner and outer being in order to maximize the genius present within each and every one of us. Every one of us has a genius living inside of our body. That genius is the creative expression of the unlimited potential of your spiritual or soul expression. As you become more adept at Higher Sensory Perception you will open more neurological circuits that allow an exchange between your brain and your spiritual intelligence. This intelligence is unlimited and can accomplish things your mind would never imagine or dream of. Be aware of clearing limited or destructive belief systems stemming from mind control and open your heart to the genius of your soul. The spiritual soul intelligence communicates with your body in a non-linearly way, it is an energetic spiral. So learning to feel, developing your sensory ability and putting your ego mind aside, will open you to new levels of intelligence possibility. Find your spiritual genius and shine it into the world!

This series of Energetic Self Mastery Tools are provided to progress forward and find greater ease at every level of one’s personal life. Please take what you resonate with and discard the rest.


Powerpoint download

I have included the Introduction on Energetic Self Mastery workshop which takes you through the FOUR BODY SYSTEM and gives bullet points of guided exercise for bringing awareness to balance and integrate the multi-body system. This is the beginning information to work with your multi-body system, to bring multidimensional body awareness. This May 2010 workshop is from the Quester conference in Calgary and has this powerpoint presentation and the filmed class available on youtube. It is suggested to watch the class and go through the power point presentation together.

MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORIENTATION: Recognizing where we are primarily orientated in our bodies helps us to communicate between the bodies and become more integrated between all of the multi-dimensional selves. This brings improved self-awareness to personally develop the inner clarity required for accurate and clear Higher Sensory Perception (HSP).

Which bodies do you primarily energetically station within (Identify with as a self) and which bodies are you neglecting? Where can you achieve better balance between all of your bodies for improved communication and integration of the selves? Ask to communicate with each of these bodies directly and to link all communication centers between these levels of intelligence.

Physical/Environmental – Keynotes: Sensual and highly responsive to touch, taste and external stimulation. Enjoying the taste of foods and other culinary sensations, food and drink consumption, the smell of aromas and fragrances, physical affection or touch, like massage or body work, sexuality and physical fitness, such as sports, hiking and being in nature. When extreme external stimulus is required it is usually an adrenaline response for the person to feel alive again and find the creative energies within. Planetary enslavement has exacerbated this physical addiction imbalance in most people.

Mental/Social – Keynotes: Highly responsive to synergy of sharing and/or discovering mental and intellectual concepts, learning, discussions and dialogues. To communication and being heard. To receiving and giving feedback. May be a loner and isolated from the lack of emotional and spiritual development (if difficult relating to others harmoniously) or desire communal and group setting for continual discussion. May be over reliant on logic and linear proof to verify reality experiences that form mental and social belief systems.

Emotional/Instinctual – Keynotes: Responsive to the waves and sensations of the emotional body in it's lower form, otherwise known as the pain body, which stimulates the 2D instinctual body. This instinctual body is a lower vibration of the emotional sensory experience. The instinctual body is not a real emotional body, its drawn from desires and addictions created from emotional body and soul body damage. The instinctual body operates in astral plane delusions and fantasies. The instinctual body will influence or block higher sensory perception when excessive fear is operating in the person. The higher emotional body is the heart chakra and higher vibrational sensory experiences. The real emotional body connects to a force of pure love and this love can be felt and experienced as a force that pervades the senses and not something that is activated through an object of desire. Highly responsive to sounds, tones and music.

Spiritual/Energetic – Keynotes: Responsive to the quality of energies, environmental forces, and the world of energetic frequencies, innate awareness of energy both in the self and the environment. When sensitive to energies one will be more sensitive to others, because the feeling of another is apparent to those whose energetic awareness is a part of the sensory perception experience. Attunement to energies allows better self-awareness through the responsiveness of how one’s personal energies impact others and the environment. When sensitive to energies and intelligent fields one organically wants to be harmless to all life, harmless to others. This is the understanding of the Golden Rule, to treat others how you would like to be treated, as it is recognized and revealed that we are all connected.


  1. ACCEPTANCE: Learn to practice acceptance and adaptability for where you find yourself in your life right now. Believe in a Higher Power and a purpose greater than your Self. Be willing to choose something else and invite other possibilities into your life. Let go of needing to be right, needing to feel hurt and accept the circumstances and people involved, right where they are now.
  2. ARCHETYPES OF DRAMA: Deepening the awareness and observation of our self, as we identify the archetypes and characters that run around in our mental ideas and personality that we show the world. These characters are the key players in creating your emotional drama reactions and their sabotaging behavior patterns. We can especially use the Victimizer Archetypes and Victimizer Collective Archetypes pages to identify, locate, remove and repair (ILRR) obsolete and harmful archetypes of drama and trauma, from running our lives in our present, past and future. Get them out of the driver’s seat of the Negative Ego and hand the authority over to your Avatar Christ self. Resign from the Mind Control matrix by forfeiting the archetypes of drama as a governing authority over your identity. Using archetypes for drama is a type of entertainment for most people, whether they admit it or not. One must choose peace in their life if they truly want to live in peace.
  3. ATTENTION :Where do you focus your attention? Where you focus your attention is what you make your priority. Mastering your focus is mastering your freedom. Meditation is the skill of focusing 100% of your energy and attention in one specific area in the present moment. How long can you sustain your focused attention in one area through meditation?
  4. COMPASSIONATE WITNESS : Through the sustained state of the neutral observer one becomes the point of god’s light dispensed as loving compassion through one's body and into the world and towards others. This is the Compassionate Witness. The Power of Compassion is directed naturally by the intelligent design of God’s Living Essence when embodied in a human that has achieved a neutral observer mode. This living essence heals bodies, changes Timelines, elevates outcomes, reveals deception, activates light-body, retrieves soul fragments and connects to the Universal Mind’s Pure Genius in order to resolve all energetic conflict between parties. Intelligently designed to create Unification, its core essence seeks to resolve, reconcile, rehabilitate and harmonize.
  5. CONFRONT BELIEFS: When we are distressed or embroiled in emotional conflicts with others or within circumstances, confront the belief that is creating the pain or distress inside you. What is the thought or belief that is limiting, destructive or creating pain in you? Confront that thought and its belief now, in your Pain Body. How do you react and feel towards that thought? Is that thought absolutely the factual truth and are you being completely honest with yourself? Who are you if you decide to give up this thought? What thought can you replace it with, that truly empowers you to move away from that pain and choose something else?
  6. EMOTIONAL BALANCE: Ask to inquire on the inner study of your emotions. The state of one’s emotions determine what kind of experience we are having. It is us that determines the quality of our relationships and the quality of our life, by the emotions we are feeling. Our emotions and their lower drives are extremely powerful forces in our lives. Our unresolved emotional conflicts and their fears will keep us from doing the things we love and will sabotage our spiritual growth. Our spiritual growth is directly related to our emotional balance. This is why ascension is 99% emotional healing. One must resolve emotional conflicts, wounds, inner fears and pain in order to grow the self-awareness required to become conscious, in order to participate with the spiritual bodies. The Soul is the true emotional body, to recover her we must heal her.
  7. FORGIVENESS: To forgive another person or circumstance is the most generous thing we can do for our self. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. Forgiving our self is the most important action we can take in clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood and their painful wounds.
  8. GRATITUDE: Be sure to pay attention to those things in your life that you are grateful for. Give thanks in your heart and verbally to others. When you learn to give your mind a new interpretation of your reality, you begin to see an entirely different world. With this practice of giving gratitude for our lives, we become aware of our personal stories, points of view, emotional states and our power to create. Giving gratitude creates happiness in our heart.
  9. NEUTRAL: Practice finding the impeccability to align fully with your words, thoughts, emotions and deeds. Find the point of power in every circumstance by finding the neutral place of observation. Practice neutral when communicating with other people and pay attention to strong opinions or judgments that may surface. It is you that will pay heavily for those strong opinions or judgments. Find neutrality to learn integrity within the self.
  10. QUIET THE MIND: Stopping the Internal Dialogue. Developing a skill set of directed focus along with quieting the mind to stop the incessant chatter of internal dialogue, is required for self-awareness and inner spiritual connection. Can you be a listener rather than a talker? Stop, listen and determine what the message, sensations and feelings mean to you from being internally and externally in complete silence. The Universe is speaking to you in the silence through subtle sensations. What is it saying to you?
  11. RECOVERING PERSONAL POWER: Our personal power is to choose our inner resonance and act upon our guidance, regardless what others think or say. We have an extraordinary amount of it at our disposal based upon the choices we make in our perceptions and the attitudes that we have in every moment. Unfortunately without self-awareness or clarity of purpose, we unknowingly waste our energies and personal power on self-sabotaging agreements. Bring your awareness to every word that comes out of your mouth and every thought in your mind. Be aware of the congruency of living in alignment to the words you speak. If you learn to be in your personal power and truth, this state of being will teach you to see clearly the agreements that others live by as well. Being in your personal power means that you allow others to choose to be in their personal power also.
  12. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE: This is to pay attention to the impact of your personal energies, auric field and body upon others and the environment. As your spiritual growth and bodies expand consciousness, your sphere of influence in the world will also expand. Observe the impact of your light bodies and frequency upon the environment, nature, animals, and other people. As you sense these energetic impacts, you may work with these energies to step them down or step them up in natural harmony with the environment. As you become in harmony with the environment, you can become transparent to the group energies, which allow the self-organized source light to naturally harmonize the environment and others around you. This brings forth a peaceful, loving and compassionate state of being, as the natural sphere of your influence upon the world.


(Inner Balance, Spiritual Centering, Finding Peace within)


Our Responsibility is to Align with Our Spiritual Core (20 minutes 26 seconds)