Consent is an act of the power of the mind to think and understand, to reason and perform careful consideration of participation with something, and to reflect on the consequences of that participation. The proper meaning of consent is a person who exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision that is demonstrated through the genuine willingness of an action, as the result of reaching an agreement in mutual or shared interests, or performing an action that is proposed by another. Consent is not real consent any longer when tactics of terror, intimidation, deception and fear are used as an explicit tool to manufacture consent in a person, in order to get them to go along with performing an action. Obviously, this is coercion administered under threat of personal harm. Thus, we can be made aware that many people’s consent is stolen, manipulated and manufactured through the specific psychological targeting of the masses with intimidation, bullying, terrorism and victimization fears. This is a mass media psychological operation used to traumatize the world citizens, distracting them from comprehending the power of consent.
Additionally, consent occurs when one person voluntarily agrees to the proposal, goals or desires of another person. This also applies to participating with any kind of organization and other types of corporate structures. When we are in consent with something no matter what it is, a person or inanimate thing, it is important to set your intention, purpose and goals in why you are consciously participating with them. This is called setting the terms of a mission statement, which correlates to the Law of Intent. All individuals should have a mission statement that reflects their intentions and self-goals, no matter how basic it is to outline their purpose and direction. People need to be self-aware to the point that they can define what purpose they want to serve in life.
A personal Mission Statement can be as simple as “I choose to be in the highest expression of my divinity and to serve my God Source in reaching my highest potential”. Furthermore, all organizations and systems of energy should also have a mission statement that clearly reflects the declaration of intent and the purpose of the organizational structure. Mission statements set the intention of the organizational field in the systems of energy being co-created, which will allow you over time, to self-assess and monitor if your mission statement and the mission statement and intent of another, are congruent or dissonant. As a conscious awake and informed person, this step is very important in managing the energies generated between all of your personal associations, projects and the intentions behind them. With this clarity of purpose, this allows you to check in for personal resonance quickly when things between people and organizations evolve over time, to better monitor if you need to make changes in the intent or consent that you have made in the relationships that you have created.
Thus, it is up to us to place emphasis on accepting responsibility in our choices and actions, so that we never give up our personal consent to something outside of our own inner spiritual self’s direct connection to the Godhead or Source. In this way, we can interact with many different structures in this world, collaborate with other people and in communities, but external things are never given authority over the direction of the higher self and relationship with God. This is what it means to be in this world, not of this world.