ES Tools to use Daily as Mental Body Refocus Techniques




  1. We have control over our opinions
  2. We have control over our choices
  3. We have control what we move away from (avoid negative ego)
  4. We have control over what we move toward (allow peace)

We only have to control what thoughts we choose to honor, what choices we make, what we accept in our lives and what we create a boundary to avoid. It is also helpful to develop an accurate assessment of this reality and accept our soul agreement to be here during the end times, as this gives context to our current challenges on planet Earth.

Disengaging from negativity is key to survival during these chaotic times. To disengage from negativity and its continued flow into our lives, Forgiveness of ourselves and others is key to shifting anger.

Believe in a Higher Power and purpose greater than your Self.

Be willing to choose something else and invite other possibilities into your life. Let Go of needing to be right.

Choosing peace through forgiveness lets you off the hook of attachment, which otherwise continues the feedline of the negative energy flow of the circumstance, person or object. Cut it off!

This is one example of how to combine some of the exercises and tools for daily practice. This set is focused on disciplining the mental body. Please feel free to create a daily combination that feels most relevant to you, and something you can commit to participate with on a daily basis. As you gain strength in certain areas your focus may change. Daily consistency is the key.

Let's continue with an example of Daily Steps and Techniques to practice for disciplining the mental body. This combo includes Compassionate Witness, Antidote to Mind Control, Shifting Gears from Negative Ego, as well as using breath, forgiveness and affirmations when triggered into aiming Negative Thoughts and Emotions towards oneself. 


GOAL: Monitor and Track your Self  Awareness By Cultivating “THE COMPASSIONATE WITNESS”

The Witness or Observer has no judgment. It allows observation of external events without needing to control the outcome. Stay in the now moment. Practice this intentionally as a daily exercise by monitoring:

Mental Awareness - Often our minds fall into a groove of inner dialogue that has a certain tone or resonance to it. Sometimes our mind is agitated and sometimes our mind is very calm. We are expansive and receptive when we are calm, centered and mentally relaxed. When our mind feels agitated and stirred up, we then become constricted and energetically blocked. Agitation and worry often indicate that we are operating in the active Beta brain wave state, which is where most adults operate from when anxious and worried. When our mental body and mind feel calm and flowing, it means we are in the more relaxed Alpha brain wave state, where children generally operate from. Try to operate from the Alpha brain wave state as much as possible since that expands and allows more body awareness and energetic flow to vitalize your body. You will experience greater ease in your life and begin to go with the flow, allowing yourself to receive more “spiritual-energetic” support into your daily life. Contact with the spiritual realms and access to our inner spirit comes from being in the flow of the now moment awareness with a calm and serene mind.

Self Talk Awareness - We talk to ourselves all the time. We talk to ourselves over 50,000 times a day and what we say to ourselves determines to a large extent the quality of our lives. When you begin to meditate and hold more periods of inner silence, you will be amazed by the amount of self talk you start to witness in yourself. Try to begin tuning in as much as possible to what you are saying to yourself in the still places of your very receptive mind. Make a commitment to avoid all negative thoughts entring your mind for seven days. Witness how long you can maintain positive thoughts and keep a positive mental diet. When coming across self defeating and negative thoughts, make a commitment to “correct them” by becoming aware of their content and creating a neutral association to the thought-form.

The Antidote to Mind Control is Psycho-Emotional Centering

How to Relabel thoughts as Positive or Negative:

The graph below is of a Psychological Centering Model, to better gauge the thoughts that are recurring in either polarity. The two main polarity groups the brain likes to occupy itself with are Superior or Inferior thoughts. With the dual spirals, the polarity thoughts are going to amplify to even more surreal levels inside our own mental body and the collective human mental body we are all a part. When using your Mental Discipline Refocus technique, identify the thought as stemming from Negative Ego (which activate the Reptilian Brain through fear and survival programs, solidifying service-to-self beliefs), and Revalue it from its control over your emotional body and your other selves. When you drop into either an Inferior or Superior thought-form immediately label it as Negative Ego and Dis-Identify with the thought as defining your value or true nature. Do not let it control you or have you assign a value to it. Refocus and affirm the correct thought pattern by referring to the circular spiritual self model and choosing a new thought to refocus your mind upon.

Success happens when you do not allow yourself to go into an Auto Response or be triggered. Identify the trigger thought-form and immediately Relabel it as it is happening in your perception. The faster you identify the trigger in your self-awareness and stop letting your mind go on Auto-Pilot, the faster you will see success through relief of mental anxiety. The goal is to not feel a negative response or emotional charge to any thought-form that is used to trigger negative thoughts in you, such as fears, panic or anxiety. You want to remain in neutral association to the triggered Negative Ego thought pattern. When you correct the thought, you can mentally command neutral association to the pattern to correct it. Learn to focus on your breath to take you out of your mind and back into the now presence. Stay in the Now moment and breathe. Let go of what your mind thinks you should be doing.

This is key to your mental body health and sanity.


GOAL: The 5 Steps to Negative Ego Reprogramming – How to Shift Gears

The Law of Strength Exercise to Discipline the Lower Mind - “It is Not God’s Job to control your Mind”

RELABEL – Identify the negative thought or emotion as a distorted pattern of negative ego consciousness. This Fear is my Negative Ego. This is not the real me.

REATTRIBUTE  Disidentify from the thought or emotion as you. You begin to master your emotional states and you can begin to choose. I am the eternal being, not my thoughts or emotions.

REFOCUS  Move yourself out of the situation, environment or the trigger for that thought. Go for a walk, listen to music, change your focus. Affirm: Not my will but Divine will.

REVALUE  Revalue the power you have given this thought or emotion to rule your life. See it for what it truly IS. Limiting you. Disempowering you. Robbing you of inner peace and fulfillment as a Divine being. Get behind ME, Ego!  I AM that I AM!

REQUEST Help  Commit to expressing Higher Emotion and Living your Soul Purpose. Ask for help from Spirit. Work your tools. Be here NOW!

Tools: 12D Shielding, Core Fear matrix removal program, Emotional Clearing Techniques, Affirmations and Decrees, Ascension Meditation treatments. Ask guidance to lead you to the perfect resonance technique to assist you now. Breathe.

When you get anxious and notice a self-defeating program of your ego taking over, apply breath and self forgiveness.


GOAL: Use when triggered into negative or unloving thoughts towards yourself.

Breath in and slow down your body by applying breath. Take in a deep inhale for 4 counts, Hold in for 4 counts, Exhale for 4 Counts. Do this from up to 4-8 counts until you feel totally out of your mental programs and in your full presence of breath, The Now presence. The goal here is getting you OUT of your mind programs and INTO your PRESENCE. This can happen when you apply focus to your breath. Your mind has to release and let go. Reprogramming is most effective when done outside of the mind, when you are engaged in the observer mode of your full present consciousness.

Now Invocate:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience _________________.

(Minimum of 3 sets, then do or work with the breathing exercise again if you feel you have lost now moment presence, for a total set of 9 commands for each item chosen).

You choose the item you feel is most pressing for each set of the exercise. You may want to alternate daily or work on one issue you know is pressing consecutively for 21 days, or until you feel emotionally freed from the memory or pattern. You can choose. Some sample suggestions:

  1. Lack of Self Love or Acceptance.
  2. Lack of personal power/fear
  3. Entities and people sucking my life force.
  4. Self doubt/worry