All human beings are responsible for their thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors, and all of these are direct choices made by each person in the moment that will have direct Energetic Consequences. Whatever quality of energies we prepare our body to be resonant with or hold as spiritual conduit, whether it is positive forces or negative forces, is what we allow ourselves to be in consent with. Whatever kind of force we are in consent with, whether we know this or not, is the Frequency that our body and Consciousness are subjected to in Universal Law. The quality of spiritual force will have corresponding dimensional laws, which govern the actions of that quality and of that spirit. Negative forces are in the lower dimensions and create servitude and bondage to time, while positive forces of the Spirits of Christ are in the highest dimensions and create sovereignty and freedom for the Soul and spirit. Universal Laws contain the principle of Accountability, which has the purpose of restoring energetic balance through ones personal thoughts, deeds, actions and behaviors throughout that beings lifetime and spiritual evolution cycle. All energetic repercussions to the Soul and Spirit are accounted for, and those actions are made responsible to the appropriate parties at the end of the Ascension Cycle. Practicing Accountability is a direct part of Spiritual Ascension. As we increase our ability to be responsible, we increasingly develop our spirituality and the way we perceive human values, which evolve ourselves out of existing in the lower energy dimensions. Being accountable to our behavior and choosing more evolved or higher ethical behaviors, is how we stop the cycle of Attachments, servitude and bondage to lower spirits and their lower nature.
Accountability is an ethical model and character standard that expresses you and only you, are totally responsible for your actions.
The willingness to be 100% accountable for what you do and what you don't do (or refuse to do) is a significant trait of your moral character. Personal accountability to ones thoughts, actions and behaviors are a marker of spiritual maturity and a hallmark of Christos attributes, such as developing the Virtues of the Spirits of Christ.
Many people confuse responsibility and accountability as being one in same. In the practical reality, they are character traits that are more like two sides of the same coin. Being accountable has more to do with giving up certain ego defense behaviors, such as negative beliefs and attitudes, than just making an effort to behave or relate to others in a different way. One of the most common ego defense mechanisms used to avoid personal accountability or responsibility is to become upset, to blame others or to have a tantrum.
Steps to Accountability
Sometimes, being personally accountable to one’s actions and the willingness to tell the truth simply involves courage. Do you have the necessary courage to exhibit personal accountability? One may want to examine the consequences associated with being accountable and responsible before answering.
First, accountability means you are responsible to somebody or for something. Second, being responsible means that you cause something to happen. Third, by exhibiting accountability, as seen through the eyes of the people around you. Which may look like the following:
- Accepting complete responsibility for your behavior.
- Meeting/exceeding agreed upon expectations in an agreed upon role or position.
- Admitting mistakes and taking steps to correct them.
- Admitting limitations of knowledge or skills in certain areas.
- Accepting responsibility is being fully aware of exerting control of one’s behavior through one’s choices.
Additionally, one accepts the consequences of the choices one makes while taking responsibility for what may be perceived as positive or negative experiences that come with those choices. Integrity, or doing what is right because that is the right thing to do, is the epitome of accepting responsibility. We all have much to gain by exhibiting personal accountability in our personal and professional life. Some of these are listed below:
- You become a person that can be trusted.
- You are respected by people around you.
- Your words or actions hold credibility.
- You send the message that you are willing to be of service and put the group health first for the success of everyone involved.
- You are a person with strong moral and ethical character.
- You can be trusted to complete challenging projects and meaningful assignments.
What kind of person do you want to be?
Personal freedom begins and ends with responsibility and accountability. Personal accountability is an opportunity. It is an opportunity to contribute to the world, contribute to the human race and the organizations of which we are a part. It is the opportunity to be counted as trustworthy among the other people inside our groups or organizations, for whom we truly hold care and respect. It is our opportunity to ask, “What can I do to contribute?” and “How can I make a difference?“. If our spiritual and other organizations foster an environment that values integrity, trustworthiness, honesty and courage, personal accountability truly presents all of us with a vast opportunity to grow while serving others.