Dear Ascending Family, 

Through the Commitment of Building the Integrity of the Spiritual House (Spiritual Body), there are some areas to participate consciously with in order to be able to know what needs to be healed. When we become clear and apply conscious awareness, we can remove the confusion and then the obfuscation that is created by the dark/negative forces.

Take this level of information at your own pace. Since November 2009 our planet has been massively accelerated in a mind control and aura harness technology. These treatments are designed to release the enslavement harness and the collective mental programs that are a part of the mass consciousness, and reconnect to our highest spiritual source. We are shifting our physical bodies from the 3D vibration where the frequency fences are, to higher vibrating structures. We are building these structures and when the body can attune to them we are able to be shifted into them and released of these harnesses. This is why we are giving you this information, please have patience and know this is designed to shift core cellular structures and remove cellular memory imbeds, it is more than just absorbing information.

Complete Step One through Step Four, suggested for 90 days or more.

Post 90 days, Continual Daily Use: Use ES Core Triad Practices

Step Five: Rotate in KADB to Build your Breastplate. Rotate in the foundation meditation treatments for Aura Strength.

Build and strengthen your Krystal Aegis Diamond Breastplate (KADB) through the April 2013 Meditation here.

Build and strengthen the KADB with running 144 harmonics through the September 2013 Meditation here.

Also, see Setting Foundational Core Meditations for building Aura Strength.

This is an introduction to a re-education process to shift the way you mentally think about the nature of reality, through learning about a new evolutionary and spiritual context. Please taking in only that which resonates truly with your own heart. This is how one begins to learn how to think differently or reprogram the mind, in order to be freed of hidden mind control programs and fears. 

Pick your Tools, Build your Spiritual House!

12D Shield and GSF Every day!

Core daily techniques to use in building your spiritual house.

Return to Rightful Owner Command to say outloud.

Rotate Meditations for building Aura Strength. 

Psychic Self Defense Series

Audio Classes One through Eight with practice techniques (Psychic Self Defense Class).

YouTube Ascension Classes

Energetic Synthesis YouTube Channel

Watch Ascension Classes as you feel guided when you need an visual tool rather than an audio class.